Edgy bird woman who has an obsession with dinosaurs and likes to draw. Studying for a BFA in psychology.
I'm also workin on a sci-fi thriller graphic novel

Abigail Hines @MysticRaven17


Joined on 5/14/23

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Spooktober + where i've been

Posted by MysticRaven17 - October 4th, 2023

Hey y'all, its been a while huh? Where did i run off too? Well, in august i moved out with my fiance and we're living in our own nice little apartment now. So of course i was busy as hell getting my stuff moved and getting everything we needed for our new place. it didn't help that around the end of august, my college classes started back up, which made cleaning the place up way more difficult. But the place is finally clean now, and i've decorated it with all my snazzy halloween decor.

Speaking of spooky season, im doing spooktober again this year! well, im trying to anyway. i knew it was gonna be more of a challenge this year because of how busy i've been, but i wanted to give it a shot anyway. I'm gonna do it the same way i've done it the past few years and make one drawing every two days. because my god is it a pain doing those drawings daily.

heres the prompt list i've written up for this year:


I did already get day 1 done, but i completely forgot to upload that here so uuuuh i'll get on that after i post this.

Also, did ya notice i changed my username? Im no longer corvidarcade, i am now MysticCorvid! Why did i make the change? Well, i've been going by corvidarcade for a loooong time on my other socials, and i felt that name no longer suited me, so i thought it was finally time to make a change. This will be the last time i change my username, so dont worry about me changing it again.

Well, thats all for now. after october art posts might slow back down because you know, life has been getting in the way, but i hope that i can at least try and make more stuff (and work on my graphic novel). i really wanna draw more and its been bumming me out that i dont have a lot of extra time to do it.



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